Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The equilibrium of sun and moon at opposites of the sky
Moonrise  ~ sunset
Sunrise ~ moonset
Half of the heavens a starry night
Half of the celestial sphere
A cloudless vista of the sun.
A place for libra equa-librium.
Original painting on Silk and verse.
Annie Hill Otness

Monday, September 23, 2019

Skyworks light the sky with joy ~
Waterworks wet the world with hope ~
Earthworks centre the world with strength ~
Fireworks drive the world with power.
One precious universe.
One only Earth beneath your feet is in your hands.

Quilt from 'Songs of Silk,' original painting on silk by AHOz

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Swagman Saga - a colonial myth by M.A.Hill, book 4 in The Travelers series. Finally after about 10 years has gone to the printer.

In a time we dreamed and dressed like trees
In flowers and leaves ~
We worked like ants and crawled kindly
On the warm Earth.
Rain blessed the skies
And fell to the thirsty dirt.
Earth is everything
The manifest all that we have and that we are.
What Earth gives she also must take back.
So tread gently wayfarer
And thank Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars and Ants.
AHOz: Songs of silk